🚨 Breaking News! Twinsen has escaped the Citadel! 🚨

Dear Community,

The game is now digitally available for PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PS5! 

Before you can play, FunFrock TV has a special message for you:

If you play on Steam, please leave a review, it would help us a lot! 

For Xbox players, the game is now postponed to December 5th (same date as the physical release for PS5 and Switch).

Have fun!


5 thoughts on “🚨 Breaking News! Twinsen has escaped the Citadel! 🚨”

  1. Congratulations to everyone on this wonderful event! Hurray for the developers and thanks to all the fans who supported the guys both with advice and financially by purchasing the game) I bought the game on all platforms and gave the game 5 stars everywhere – I helped in any way I could) I hope the game sells well and we will see LBA2 soon!

  2. It is absolutely dreadful, sorry. I’ve played both of the originals countless times since first played LBA1 as a 3 year old in 1994.
    You had 3 decades to thank a hardcore fan base for their tireless support, for keeping a cult classic alive, for the fan art, the ideas, the theories, you had a chance for a real nod towards a hidden gem of a game.

    What did we get instead? A truly awful art style, and I mean *awful*. My 3 year old self back then could’ve drawn better. Luna is a simply awful character and a needless addition, you should’ve stayed faithful to the original. The ball mechanics are simply woeful and were somehow simply better 30 years ago. Movement feels awful and felt much more controlled back then. The game is just boring to play, there’s no sense of exploration like the original. And the biggest one – all the quirky little charm the original had is gone, rather than that cult classic/hidden gem feel it just feels like a bad version of a soulless 2024 game.

    Is this thanks to a really hardcore community for 30 years of support? Or is this box ticking, girl bossing, boring nonsense? I’ll give you a clue, it’s definitely the second one.

    2 of my favourite games of all time, but I rated this 1 star everywhere and I’m not even sorry. Appalling effort.

    1. dude, you’re wrong) an excellent game, taking into account modern realities) Luna was introduced into the game to reach a large audience – and it does not interfere with the gameplay at all) We are waiting for part 2 of the LBA) if you don’t like it, don’t buy it)) fortunately, there are few such people) but the game doesn’t deserve 1 star… the biased opinion

  3. It feels a bit unpolished at times, and the English text and voice-lines don’t always match. And for some reason Raymond the Elf keeps saying “Imp” instead of “Elf”.
    Also the sword is so boring compared to the original. No aggressive mode means no spin-slash crazy shenanigans.

    Other than that, I thought it was really good.
    There were a lot of times when I had to take off the metaphorical Nostalgia Goggles to get over some gripes. I’ve been playing LBA on and off since I was 5 years old. I am super nostalgia biased by default.
    But when I did, I thought the world feels a lot more alive and charming with the various NPC’s. I think the devs really nailed the feel.
    Not going to go into what additions/changes I really liked or not, because spoilers. But overall I felt the good far outweighed the bad.

    If the small glitches and voice/text stuff can be corrected in an update, then I’d say this was well worth the money.
    Really hope you get to remake LBA 2 as well.

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