

Pre-Alpha Playtest Feedback

Hello everyone, First off, a massive THANK YOU for diving into our recent playtest of Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure Remastered! 🎉 Your enthusiasm and feedback light up our development journey, and we’re thrilled to share both the positive and constructive insights we’ve gathered. Positive Qualitative Feedback: Areas for Improvement: Quantitative Feedback: Your feedback, both positive […]


R.I.P Paul de Senneville

Hello everyone, We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paul de Senneville (1933-2023) last week. Paul de Senneville was the visionary behind the establishment of Adeline Software. Having previously founded Delphine Software, renowned for games like Flashback, Another World, and Moto Racer, he decided to establish a new studio called Adeline Software, alongside


Funfact #2: The 4 species of Twinsun

Are you ready to dig into the conception archives of Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure (TLBA)? After reading your enthusiastic feedback on our first article, we’ve noticed that many of you are eager to learn more about the creation of the game’s 4 species: Rabbibunnies, Grobos, Quetchs, and Spheros. Luckily, we were able to get insights


Little Big Movie – An amazing fan film

Once again, the community is showing its talent. This time, it’s Robert Chmielak (aka Rob__c) who created this fan film about the end of Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure Classic 2. And it’s 25 min long! 🙀 He was helped by Alrik Fallet (aka CaptainAlrix) and Maurice van Schoonhoven for the music. Alrik is famous for


Funfact #1: The origins of Twinsen

Welcome to the Funfact catefory! The “funfacts” will take you through the past and the archives of the two opuses of Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure Classic from 1994 and 1997. The work we are doing on the remaster invites us to reread the history of the game creation process, with the help of those who


New Game+ modes for TLBA1&2 Classic

We are bringing a NEW GAME+ mode for both Classic Games! In this mode, you will experience the full story starting with end-game items like the Sabre, the Protopack and Magic Level 4! Note that you still need to collect all items to progress through the story as you would in a regular playthrough. Look


Devlog: Open-source TLBA1&2 Classic engine

Going a little bit deeper into the rabbibunny hole… The programming work done by the original teams is not only tremendous but exceptional for the time. It can’t be kept on old CDs in suitcases in the programmers’ homes (*wink* Didier 😏). This  codebase can benefit developers as a source of knowledge / education, TLBA

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