Meet Zoé

Dear community,

After Luna, it’s time to meet Zoé, Twinsen’s “best friend”!

She loves to fix all kinds of everyday objects for her fellow citizens… but she also dreams of visiting the world. 🌎

How do you feel about her? Share your thoughts in the comments.



29 thoughts on “Meet Zoé”

  1. When I was a kid I had a crush on Zoe when I played the original LBA games. I even went on stage at a pantomime and they asked me if I had a girlfriend (I didn’t) but I said yes her name is Zoe lol. 🙂 Just a funny and cringe story for you all.

  2. In the trailer, i thought she was his sister… now they are best friends?
    What happen to Zoé?
    I hope its not something woke.

    1. She is Twinsens “best friend” Wink wink… I’m sure in this game they are going to develop their relationship.

    2. Luna is his sister, featured in the trailer. She’s a new character.
      Zoé and Twinsen will probably have more of a story together this time around, instead of her just already being his girlfriend from the beginning like in the original version.
      Seems like a great addition, imho. =)

  3. I want to like this but no matter how hard I try I just kind of hate this art style. It doesn’t feel like the original to me, feels more like teen titans or something.. sorry 😔 Also not really a fan of story changes, clearly I’m getting old but the whole reason you have this project is because people were (and are) strong fans of the original games. Please don’t ruin it..

  4. As a longtime fan who was given LBA2 in 1997 when I was a little girl, I am intensely familiar with the original games.

    Zoe was definitely an inspiration to me, and I loved the relationship between her and Twinsen.

    That being said, I’m really excited that this world of Twinsen is still familiar to me but like an alternate reality (or even prequel), which provides more ways to love the world of Twinsun. I think a direct remake of the story would have just led to people complaining it doesn’t have the nostalgia of the original game, because so many fans still replay the originals over and over.

    So for what it’s worth, I like the direction you’ve chosen, and I can’t wait to play!

    Keep up the amazing work 🙂

    1. It… It literally says she loves Twinsen with all her heart… Also the “” around “best friend” is a clear indicator that it’s not just friendship going on.

  5. It’s really sad that Twinsen and Zoe got divorced, though it’s not surprising after several decades spent together. I’m glad they at least stayed best friends; it could have been worse if Twinsen had ended up without a home, savings, etc.

  6. Jaime bien pour le coup comment elle est réinterprétée visuellement pour cette version, j’espère qu’elle aura un rôle plus important sur certaines séquences. Mais effectivement, ils ne sont plus mariés ? je ne comprends pas si c’est un changement global du personnage avec sa relation avec Twinsen ? tant qu’ils finissent amoureux, ça me rassure ^^

  7. “Best Friend”. She is his wife. She was happy being a Mum and making their house lovely. Now she’s ANOTHER empowered female character that ‘fixes things’. Just put her in Space Marine armour and have her jump pack out the sky and win every battle while Twinsen hides behind a rock like the emasculated men of 2024.

    What’s with the claw hands and faces like my kid draws in Primary School? Jesus, you are REALLY making sure this bombs.

    1. Yes. “Best friend”, in quotes, because they’re not JUST best friends. Are you people illiterate? And what do you mean “Who just fixes things”, you’ve only known this now? She’s literally the one who fixes Twinsen’s car in the second game. Did you guys play these games at all? Or are you just here to complain about wokeness like a bunch of idiots?

    2. Wow… You must be great at parties huh? Your clearly thinking of the second game in the franchise where this is a remake of the first one, but even still I cant think of a reason giving a girl a job makes her a “super empowered space marine” that cant also have a kid and like home decor but you do you I guess. I cant think of a single game that had an emasculated man in it hiding behind a girl, that didnt have a girl as the main protagonist of said game so what are YOU playing? Also you just put down your own kids artwork because you dont like a new studios artstyle? Grow up. You remember their hands were just balls in the original right?

  8. C’mon now, I understand the fear of something being touched up in a negative way, but it is stated that she’s Twinsen’s “Best Friend”. In quotation marks! And the bio clearly states she’s “in love”. We’re getting how they got from friends-still-to-make-the-step to a couple to a married couple with a child on the way, so there’s the whole love story here. I think it’s great. The original two games already estabilished her as very mechanical savvy (it’s her who repairs the car in 2, while pregnant!), so while understand the fear of another girlboss character the jumper is again a very much logical addition to her looks, especially considered she’s not the one being kidnapped/arrested this time (as far as we know…).
    With the addition of Luna/the sister character the new story kinda writes itself, but it will be interesting nonetheless (and I’m open to surprises).

    The only thing I don’t understand is why her eyes are not blue anymore. @_@

  9. I like that you changed the role of Zoé in the story, so they can develop relationship through the adventure. This gives the whole story a bit more depth in my opinion. I do not know why so many people fail to see this.

    Although I find her face too mean and a bit scary. I think it is because of her eyes.

  10. Very Cool! Her being a mechanic explains how she managed to fix the car in the next game! That was always wierd to me for some reason. Im super loving this. Keep it up yall!

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