Limited-Time Demo Available

Dear Community,

A year ago, we invited you to try an early version of what would become Little Big Adventure – Twinsen’s Quest. Since then, a thousand things have happened: challenges overcome, ideas refined, and adjustments made to create something truly unique. Today, we’re just weeks away from the official release, deep in the polishing phase where every bug fixed and every detail perfected brings us closer to our final vision.

Throughout this journey, your feedback—whether enthusiastic or sometimes more skeptical—has been our guiding star. We understand your concerns, as some choices may seem surprising. But rather than endlessly debating what does or doesn’t make an LBA game, we decided to give you a concrete taste of our work, even if it’s not yet finalized.

That’s why, for one week only, from September 25 at 2:21 AM (CST) to October 2 at 2:21 AM (CST), we’re offering you the chance to dive into Chapter 1 of the game.

If you enjoy the experience, please leave a positive review on Steam! This will help us reach a broader audience beyond the loyal community you already represent. 🙏

To play, simply visit our Steam page in:


Thank you for your unwavering support, and enjoy your journey on Twinsun!

See you soon,


10 thoughts on “Limited-Time Demo Available”

  1. I’m very happy for your entire team at this moment! I’ve been following your work since you started reviving the franchise. LBA was an important part of my childhood with LBA2. I never finished the first one, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to experience the story in a modernized way. From what has been shown so far, I really like how the game is shaping up, and I’m very happy with how you are handling this project, bringing the community closer and listening to our feedback.

    Wishing much success for the franchise and your future projects! Much love from Brasil!

  2. Sounds great. But Im waiting for PS5 version. So if the demo is only on PC, I will wait my turn with full version.
    It was my first game I concinved my parrents to purchase for me as a kid based on some cd full of shareware and demos. So it ment lot to me and I have some special memories. Im really looking forwrd for playing it again. Considering english is not my native language and I was not good at english as small kid, I guess I will uncover lot in the story I missed 😀

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